7571 North Elyria Road, West Salem, OH 44287
Phone: (419) 846-3151
Fax: (419) 846-3361
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The Northwestern Alumni & Friends Association exists to provide a way for Northwestern grads (including those from Chester, Congress, and West Salem schools) and ALL Northwestern staff, families and community members to communicate, fellowship and find ways to contribute to the school and community.
Keep up with the latest news and alumni updates by viewing The Northwestern newsletter.
 And be sure to follow The Northwestern Alumni & Friends Association on Facebook!
Alumni Reunion Information
The 2024 NW Hall of Fame and Community Hall of Honor Induction and Reunion Banquet will be held on Saturday, June 22, 2024 at Northwestern High School. Click the link above for the reservation form and for full details about the event.
This year’s banquet will feature the HOF/HOH inductees and the NHS Classes of 1954, 1964, and 1974 as the honored attendees. Join us in a night of fellowship and celebration!
NWAFA Contact Information
If you would like to help with the activities of the NWAFA, contact chairman Dwight Wasson at [email protected] or 330-465-5943 or chairman-elect Bill Pim at [email protected] or 330-287-8871. 
We welcome your expertise and assistance with the following:
  • The Alumni Hall of Fame and Community Hall of Honor
  • Archiving a collection of memorabilia
  • Planning and carrying out the annual reunion banquet
  • Any new ideas you may have
Current fund-raising goals:
  • The NWAFA Scholarship Fund offered through the Wayne County Community Foundation for Northwestern alumni pursuing an associate’s degree or higher.
  • Awards for our HOF/HOH ceremonies - Each honoree receives a commemorative clock, and a handsome brushed aluminum plaque, mounted on solid walnut, is hung in the commons area of the high school. We want to be able to recognize the excellence of our alumni and community service honors recipients with tasteful and significant awards.
The Northwestern Alumni Hall of Fame was established in 2005 to recognize graduates of Northwestern High School (as well as the schools that merged to form the present district) who have distinguished themselves by a high level of achievement, and have set a standard of excellence to which present students can aspire. Honorees are chosen every two years by a Selection Committee, drawn from the Northwestern community, which chooses a maximum of five honorees from among nominations submitted by the general public. You may submit nominations at any time between induction years; however, nominations for a current induction ceremony year are due no later than October 1st prior to be considered by the selection committee for induction.

The Northwestern Community Hall of Honor was established in 2005 to recognize and honor those who have distinguished themselves by their service to the Northwestern schools and/or the residents of the district. Honorees are chosen every two years by a Selection Committee drawn from among district residents, who choose a maximum of five honorees from among nominations submitted by the general public. You may submit nominations at any time between induction years; however, nominations for a current induction ceremony year are due no later than October 1st prior to be considered by the selection committee for induction.
7571 North Elyria Road, West Salem, OH 44287 | Phone: (419) 846-3151 | Fax: (419) 846-3361
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7571 North Elyria Road, West Salem, OH 44287 | Phone: (419) 846-3151 | Fax: (419) 846-3361 logo
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